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Re: Is 5000 BTU AC enough?

Posted: May 11th, 2018, 1:19 pm
by kuba122
I wrote an answer to this question on the facebook page .... In direct Sun in Texas on one of our really hot days, 13,500 isn't really enough. It will never shut off in the heat of the day. I can't imagine a 5000 working in the daytime, down here, even in the shade. I'd spend the difference and get 13,500 every time. Good Luck!


Posted: May 11th, 2018, 12:29 pm
by pawpaw
I posted this in the AR One section also.
I would recommend the 13,500 unit. My experience years ago with a 5,000 BTU A/C in a 16 ft. trailer was not good. It was never able to keep up with the summer heat down here in Texas. We ended up getting rid of the trailer for that reason (and a few others). Don't believe everything the salesman tells you.
Good luck!

Re: Is 5000 BTU AC enough?

Posted: May 11th, 2018, 12:38 am
by GaryG
You can never have enough AC, especially if you have several campers in a small space. RV's heat up rather quickly and cool down more slowly. I have a 13,500 BTU ceiling mount with the ducted ceiling vents. It's awesome. My last TT had a ceiling mount without the duct-ed vents and it never ever got cold enough and kept icing over on hot summer days. That's just my opinion. Happy RV buying.

Is 5000 BTU AC enough?

Posted: May 10th, 2018, 8:02 pm
by speakes
Looking at a new Autumn Ridge 17RD with a 5000 BTU AC unit in the wall. There is an option for 13,500 BTU in roof system. Wondering if the 5000 will be enough on hot summer days? Love to get feedback/input from other owners.